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Cube Earth is Controlled Opposition

submitted by taoV to CubeEarth 1.8 yearsAug 31, 2022 13:47:44 ago (+11/-3)     (CubeEarth)

It's obvious to anyone that isn't a kike shill that cube earth is just a strawman set up by the flat earth (((lobby))). Why do cube earth posters never address the facts? You can go outside with a ruler and prove the earth isn't flat or cubed, becuase the ruler won't sit flat unless a human intentionally levelled the dirt. But no cube earthers ever address that fact. When pushed on the point they just misdirect and lie. It's clear that cube earth theory only exists to make flat earthers look sane by comparison, and that the earth is an irregular polyhedron. I dare any of you to dispute this FACT but protip you can't even talk about it.

19 comments block

LOL. No shit.

It's a funny checkmate that moves the bar lower for Flat Earthers, so I'm going to sit back and laugh and not waste any thought on this. Tomorrow, someone's going to say that it's the shape of a penguin.