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Spacecraft atmospheric re-entry compilation - Imagine seeing this in person

submitted by Boardallday3 to spaceflight 1.7 yearsSep 16, 2022 22:24:39 ago (+1/-1)     (youtu.be)


Spacecraft that are de-orbited (sent back into the earth's atmosphere to burn up at over 25,000mph) are usually aimed at a point in the South Pacific called Point Nemo. It's the most uninhabited area of our world being the furthest place from any land and not a part of any common shipping route


Satellites and space debris sometimes break up over populated areas. https://www.space.com/spacex-debris-fall-australia-crew-1-dragon-capsule

Spacecraft parts like Soviet satellites with nuclear reactors have fallen on places like Canada:


3 comments block

To be fair canuckistan isn't much of a "place"