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Do launched rockets ever go UP?

submitted by Panic to spaceflight 1.7 yearsSep 25, 2022 16:12:30 ago (+7/-0)     (www.wgal.com)


For 19 years, I lived in Florida and could watch launches including Space Shuttle launches. They always went straight up for a ways then curved off. Never straight up.

In this linked video, a Florida launch is seen going sideways over Pennsylvania. Doesn't look all that high in the sky. Can anybody explain this?

19 comments block

DoctorK 0 points 1.7 years ago

You're right.

Rockets have to tilt to the side as they travel into the sky in order to reach orbit, or a circular path of motion around the Earth. This steering technique is known as a gravity turn, which uses Earth's gravity to help conserve rocket fuel and minimize stress and strain on the spacecraft.