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Tomorrow I have an appointment that will effectively end my career, because I will not wear a mask. I've tried to avoid this, but now at last I've arrived at my kobayashi maru, and I am feeling very defeated.

submitted by Aze to whatever 1.6 yearsOct 31, 2022 18:00:42 ago (+58/-2)     (whatever)

It's just a required physical, but if it is not completed I will be pulled out of service permanently.

I called and asked about their mask policy, of course it's still in place three years on. I tried avocating, I tried getting an exemption. Nothing worked. I've tried this same song and dance at FOUR eye doctors offices over this three years of dystopian hell and the answer is always NO. My cataract remains untreated because of it.

I called the "director of quality" for the health network that dictates the policy to the doctor's office in question. It took some doing to get ahold of her, but once I had her on the phone she was very nice, and not unsympathetic. I talked about all the moral, political, and health reasons why masks don't work and aren't right. She didn't attack me for my stance like I'd expected. I said its three years on for this mask thing, its past time to put it to bed. She more or less agreed with me, but she is only one person on a "committee" that decides these things. We talked about the CDC changing its own recommendations, again she agreed, but would only say "the committee is carefully watching this situation".

I opted to play nice. Ok, I don't expect you to change your police just for me, but can you at least get me an exemption. To her credit, she actually tried. At least she said she would make a few phone calls. She called back an hour later, and very politely, very apologetically, told me the answer was still no. No exemptions would be given.

I feel defeated, but caving now was never an option. I said when this started and it became clear that the mask didn't work that I would be dead before I wear one. I meant it then and I still mean it now.

I'm still going to go to the appointment, but I expect to be asked to leave.

I know this board understands that the masks were never about health or safety. They were always about perpetuating fear and beating the people down, to condition them to accept the arbitrary dictates of authority. They are a sign you wear on your face that says "I submit". All under the justification of "saving lives".

Three years on and the mask are gone everywhere except where it matters most, the medical field. Because they can be controlled from the top easier then mom and pop shops. Because they can ruin your health or end your career if you don't bend the knee. Because they know people will do almost anything to keep their health. So the cudgel remains.

Many have said the masks are just shy of the mark of the beast. Take the mark or be drummed out of society. Take the mark or suffer. Back then I'd agreed in part, but only in part.

Today, with my career about to end and my eye still untreated, I think I agree entirely.

So tell me Voat. Now what?

P.S. Don't even get me started on the vax.

Edit: Well this fucking blew up didn't it.

193 comments block

Malicious compliance.

Wear a Halloween mask. Tell them they never specified what kind of mask. Then record them refusing service to you.
It's not your fault at that point. Show them proof that you tried to comply and then sue them if they look at you wrong.