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I'm fucked goats

submitted by swinston79 to whatever 1.5 yearsNov 18, 2022 15:51:04 ago (+28/-1)     (whatever)

Warning incoming rant. I've been on Voat old and new for a long time. Two and a half years ago my wife of 25 years(together 26),I'm 45 you do the math. Any ways I caught here being a coal burning bitch,started the divorce and lost everything. So as this is going on I got stupid and hooked up with my boss who was 32 at the time. All I wanted was someone to talk to,well as the divorce went on and I lost my house(lost it to the Ex) and she turned around and sold it,my boss said I could move in with her. Well one thing lead to another and we started dating,and we were together since the summer of 2020. Well in October of this year Ifind out she's cheatting on me and when I called her out on it she kicked me out. Now I'm living in my truck or staying with friends. I'm at the end of my rope and don't know wtf to do. It's got so bad I for the first time ever have thought about ending it. Any advice would help an old goat out. Edit:found out the new chick was cheating on me when I went through her phone after it kept pinging all night.

93 comments block

You've had a rough couple of years, man. Without knowing you or your skills and interests, all I can offer is to remind you that you can recover, however shitty things seem. 45 isn't that late. Just remember to never let a woman be in a position where she can fuck you over if she decides she doesn't love you.