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Family is the death of fun - most men lead lives of quiet desperation but none more so than @Ragnar

submitted by paul_neri to Surfing 1.5 yearsNov 26, 2022 18:46:33 ago (+1/-0)     (i.ibb.co)


A few summers ago I was lazying on the beach watching the surfers and bodyboarders and a woman stood on the sand calling her husband in but he didn't want to go. He was having the time of his life catching some lovely waves. She stood there and yelled and waved again. No luck. Then the kids joined in waving and making kiddie noise. Finally the woman gave up, collected their gear and she and the kids started walking back to the car. Eventually poor ol' dad stumbled out of the surf and followed them.That was his bit of fun for the week. No doubt he had a kiddie's birthday party to go to where he'd stand in a corner with the other men drinking beer and talking politics and his wife would be in the other corner with the other moms talking their heads off about canteen rosters and the kids would be charging about making their inane noise until one inevitably collided with a piece of furniture and out poured the tears. But one man's heart wasn't in the social chit chat. He was out there in the waves under a blue sky, paddling, paddling and catching a ride and gliding down a wall of water. That man was @Ragnar



16 comments block

Fascinus 0 points 1.5 years ago

I'd be interested in hearing an answer to this as well.

I know you told me before why you *stay* here and that's not the same question.