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Homely menopausal cat lady wants to scare pretty young white girls away from being a tradwife

submitted by Cunt to TikTok 1.5 yearsNov 29, 2022 22:34:43 ago (+29/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


I couldn't watch much of it, I was too disgusted but thought I should share.

She had 4.3million views and 845.6k likes on this video, so the algorithm loves this message. She has 176.6k followers now but previous videos average 5-15k views and around 200 likes each.

64 comments block

Ragnar 1 points 1.5 years ago

Oh man, I appreciate your thoughtful detailed response. You are right and my biggest problem is being a sucker for their emotional manipulation. I have decided to take some time alone with no contact with anyone to work on my resolve. Thanks for the encouragement!