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Israeli charged in US for smuggling components used in nukes to Russia

submitted by NationalSocialism to shitisraeldoes 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 01:14:48 ago (+31/-0)     (archive.ph)


An Israeli citizen was among seven people charged by US prosecutors this week with smuggling sensitive electronic components to Russia that could potentially be used to make nuclear weapons.

US prosecutors claimed the group worked with two Moscow-based companies controlled by Russian intelligence services to acquire electronic components in the US that have civilian uses, but can also be used to help make nuclear and hypersonic weapons and in quantum computing.

They always play both sides.

8 comments block

Monica 0 points 1.5 years ago

Nukes are fake and gay.

Russia already has "nukes" and equipment to make them so who cares... they are fake anyways