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My prediction for 2023! The masons lose their power.

submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.4 yearsDec 30, 2022 00:37:16 ago (+3/-4)     (TheGreatAwakening)

At present I'm seeing more and more stories that sound like the masons have lost some control over the judicial systems of the west!

Prosecutors and judges are taking on the police corruption on a scale I have never seen. This looks like they have had enough masons quit or retire from these gatekeeping jobs to allow some of the rapist cops to actually be charged.

Further reducing the number of satanists gaming the system.

If this trend continues it will result in the mass arrests of masons in at least one country in the coming year.

We know they are traitors and enemy combatants and should be treated as such. But the power structure was so infiltrated that it was impossible to imagine this.

But now it's becoming much more likely. Especially since the cops, prosecutors and judges left are holding the bag for a system that has openly conducted a genocide for foreign powers.

This is coming after the leading family of UK royals have been severely disempowered with the removal of the queen and Andrew being branded openly as a pedo.

Once one country rounds the masons up it will spread.

This is what them being exposed leads too.

6 comments block

It's almost identical to the UK!

Yet more proof the same pedos run it all.