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Sponsored By Pfizer

submitted by VaccineWaters to TriggerMemes 1.4 yearsJan 3, 2023 08:34:30 ago (+78/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


33 comments block

Twatter is a Potemkin village of bots and glow operatives. I'm willing to bet more normies saw that nigger drop during the televised game than actual people viewed those Twatbots. Get a load of this shit, I checked around. There was speculation that particular game was going to be the most watched Monday night football game in 20 years. Due to a sneaky move the NFL made, endeavoring to steal college football viewers away from the Sugar Bowl.


Whenever New Year’s Day falls on a Sunday, the NFL pushes college football’s New Year’s Day bowls to Monday, January 2. Fair enough. This year, the league has taken things a step further by scheduling a game on that date – bumping the Sugar Bowl out of its traditional timeslot and drafting off of one of the best lead-ins in sports, the Rose Bowl.

Final ratings for the game?


8.88 million. Going to be funny to watch this particular cat walk backwards.