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submitted by UncleDoug to TruNews 1.4 yearsJan 10, 2023 05:41:49 ago (+19/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


24 comments block

No difference between shed vs home.

Pehnomenal differences, you are stupid or being disengenuous.

Increase wages and you greatly increase cost of everything including rent.

Sniff more bumholes finance failure.

That only occurs if wage growth exceeds productivity growth. How is it inflation has outstripped wage growth and corporations are making record profits?

If inflation is 6%, wage should be 6% higher or else you have less disposable income.

You are thinking like a true tardo thinking everyone just gets mega bucks then corporations match wage growth by increasing costs back on to consumers. You have it all back to front, stop sucking corporate jew dick.

Equity is just a child's cry to get given by mummy that which they did not earn

You have somehow fucked up the terms equity and equality.

Equity is the principal interest on a property in excess of claims like a mortgage.

Fucking retard. Do you know how property investment works? You purchase a home in one area with high growth and low rental demand that attracts first home buyers which increases chance of state investment to develop civil works, this generates a property price increase. If you purchase home 1 at X$ * e.g. 0.17 expected growth in 4years then you reinvest that equity surplus into a new investment. So 17% extra of the value of property 1 into a future property and extend your mortgage.

You are laughably ignorant on how this all works whilst continuing to lecture me when you can't even understand the terms being used.

By all means continue to keep encourage legislators that are a driving factor of forced 'skilled' migration, killing us Whites, then laughably call me a commie, you compelte cunt.