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Some of y'all poor bastards wanted to see what a 3 year old sausage patty looks like. Spoiler: It looks about like how you'd expect a 3 year old sausage patty to look except, you know, freeze dried.

submitted by totes_magotes to preppers 1.4 yearsJan 12, 2023 19:53:14 ago (+14/-1)     (u.smutty.horse)


The bag is from Harvest Right. 7 mil thickness. More info here: https://harvestright.com/product/50-pack-mylar-bags/

As you can see, March 2nd, 2020 was the freeze dry and package date.

On the left, right out of the bag.

Top right is right out of the boiling water.

Bottom right is with American Cheese, home made mayo, and half a toasted everything bagel.

The sausage, like I said, didn't rehydrate hardly at all and this is not really surprising since it's loaded with grease which repels water.

Normally, when I make this, a fork is enough to cut it. This shit needs a knife.

So... I'm not dead. I didn't get sick.

Mayo recipe, for those interested: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/159507/whole-egg-mayonnaise/

Protip: Use an immersion blender. As you put the blender into the mix, it goes through and actually causes enough mixing between the oil, egg, and vinegar to work. Foolproof 100% of the time. I cannot say the same about using a regular blender.

15 comments block

I read that as "sausage party" at first and was concerned.