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Do you have experience raising chicks (baby hens)?

submitted by Cunt to Farming 1.4 yearsJan 14, 2023 21:56:31 ago (+18/-0)     (Farming)

I'm considering it to get more eggs and would be fun for the kids. I'm trying to butter my husband up on the idea. I would love to hear from any goats that have done it.

My main worries really are space and also that they can't be sexed until older and I'm too too squeamish for slaughtering cocks (although hubby would probably do that) and plucking.

Edit for clarity: I only plan to raise the chicks, then cart them off when old enough. My grandparents have a large chicken run but their flock numbers are dwindling and therefore so are my free eggs.

73 comments block

Cunt 1 points 1.4 years ago

That was really helpful thanks.