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Flight 93 on 911, No Boeing 757 Crashed Near Shanksville Pennsylvania, Sept. 11, 2001

submitted by TankTinker to conspiracy 1.4 yearsJan 25, 2023 23:28:30 ago (+3/-2)     (flingup.com)


Officially United Airlines Flight 93 was a domestic scheduled passenger flight that was hijacked by al-Qaeda on September 11, 2001, as part of the September 11 attacks. It allegedly crashed into a field near the Diamond T. Mine in Stonycreek Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, near Indian Lake and Shanksville, during an attempt by some of the passengers to regain control, killing all 44 people aboard including the four hijackers. No one on the ground was injured. The aircraft involved, a Boeing 757–222, was flying United Airlines' daily scheduled morning domestic flight from Newark International Airport in New Jersey to San Francisco International Airport in California. Wiki.

3 comments block

That "plane" was meant to hit Building 7. That's the only logical explanation for the terrible handling and subsequent denial of the building even being "pulled" down in the first place. The guidance on the missile failed, or for some other reason, it didnt hit building 7, and instead crashed in shanksville.

Without that bit of luck, convincing anyone of the hoax becomes much tougher.

The actual plane, which apparently had mossad agents?, was most likely flown to a safe location. At which mossad exits, then gassing the rest of the occupants.

That's my theory.