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Everyone here was born during a time period that is critical to the Great Replacement, yet we failed to stop it

submitted by oppressed to ChristianNationalism 1.3 yearsJan 29, 2023 12:49:33 ago (+9/-1)     (ChristianNationalism)

God probably had us born during these times in part to help save the White race. The past 40 years have been critical to the Great Replacement. But look at how during our life spans things have only gotten worse demographically. Shameful.

Whites were not able to appreciate a 90% or 80% White country when it existed. They didn't appreciate their race. Like everyone, I was told by the media and by polite society that I shouldn't care about the White race or see color, but I was still able to overcome this deception and recognize some impressive value in the White Genotype.

That's why I say most the blame has to be on Whites for believing the propaganda and lies about racial equality.

7 comments block

Don't think people really understand how power full the MEEPAC is and how long it has been insanely powerfull they spend literally trillions pushing the anti white agenda


it's probably more then those things but the main ones. It's bad really bad and white empathy along with white women's narricism has made this shit even worse then I could have ever imagined.

We all know it was some where around the Civil War that the end started maybe sooner but 1911 fed reserve the 2 world wars then 60s ramped it up with hippies pot feminism and 1965 immigration act was the final straw. With out that the demographics could have stayed around 80 percent white after that game over man.