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The toxic cloud train disaster sounds 100% faked to me!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to fakenews 1.3 yearsFeb 14, 2023 21:38:59 ago (+1/-4)     (fakenews)

This sounds like more fake fear porn to me.

Another fake crisis that will be used to overturn people's lives.

These people already had a dry run making that movie recently in the same area.

Now we have lots of stories that are similar. And to amp it up some more we now have a hazmat truck crash and spill too.

The local reports from people on the ground are also using emotionally triggering language and imagery.

But what do we have as actual verifiable facts about the air and water quality in that area.

Are we even seeing casualties?

Are they from this, the vax, the 5G effects on the vaxxed?!

This situation has many red flags clearly visible. What is the truth guys?!!

7 comments block

Very informative,I really didn't know about this.Eye's opened.