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@ReallyVeryCrunchy rewrites a GreenDay song

submitted by Cunt to TikTok 1.3 yearsFeb 17, 2023 22:30:53 ago (+6/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


2 comments block

We should kill the line "awake", it's literally just "woke" with proper English.

I'd prefer a reference to exiting the cave of Plato.

Or just use the good old "redpilled", what's wrong with that? They held a gun (literal or metaphorical) to the heads of the guys who wrote that movie and forced them to cut their dicks off like the yakuza jews they are. We have a history of straight up ignoring the authors original intent and even the inconvenient parts of the source material. Focusing only on the parts relevant to our needs. This is what you must do when all your media is being made by the enemy and has been like this for almost the last century. Take the media made by the enemy and refrain or reinterpret it.

How about "based"? Sure it's an invention of a rapstar negroe and a reference to being a "basehead" or as we refer to them, a "brain damdged drug addict", but again it's taking what we see and changing the way we look at it.

We do it with "woke"/"awake" too, but it's one of the weaker variations.