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The CCP rigging Canadian elections since 2019 makes them responsible for the COVID19 leak and response in Canada!!!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Canuckistan 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 23:46:51 ago (+10/-2)     (twitter.com)


This thread shows how this makes China responsible for everything that has befallen Canada during covid!!

They have infiltrated and slaughtered Canadians on the doorstep of the USA.

This is why we are hearing more americans call for an invasion of canada to liberate them. Even Tucker Carlson is saying this.

China has been exposed and caught flat footed by this!!!

5 comments block

yesiknow 1 points 1.3 years ago

That goes back to 1968, PIerre Trudeau, Maurice Strong and everyone at the Canadian Power Corporation making deals with China and the Bao family who were running China. They literally sold the country. They agreed to import endless streams of Chinese to replace Whites back then. Almost every central Canadian politician was in on it including Brian Mulroney, a conservative PM who made buckets of money out of it. The Ontario Rae Brothers. The British Columbia Liberal premiere Gordon Campbell, and a Vancouver Senator named Larry Campbell who pushed drug use and was rewarded with a board of director appointment on a Chinese company when he knew nothing about business -- like Hunter Biden.

They get cushy appointments after politics and are all weighed down with all the money they take.

The mainstream media repirted years ago on the back door China had in every Canadian government computer, but the government just shrugged it off.

For Fuck's sake, Paul Martin helped Thomas Hecht get the HIV in the blood system, and so did Bill Clinton. Vince Foster was involved in that. China, as members of the overpopulation cult took everyone's blood and pooled it, and extracted the plasma for donation and then reinjected it, giving HIV to millions. They did it like that because Chinese say their blood is part of them and no, you can't have it.

The obscene criminality of all of them is shielded by the grotesque self esteem of the voters who believe they're personally admired and nobody at all ever would want to do anything but admire them.