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White Nationalist success: Poll: Most Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (61%) say that the country’s increasing racial, ethnic and national diversity is enriching American culture, ****but a sizable and growing share see it as a threat. ****

submitted by oppressed to Whitepill 1.2 yearsMar 14, 2023 13:48:59 ago (+13/-0)     (Whitepill)


Poll: Most Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (61%) say that the country’s increasing racial, ethnic and national diversity is enriching American culture, but a sizable and growing share see it as a threat. The 38% who consider those changes a threat now is about twice as high as four years ago, and similar to where the party stood in 2016. Meanwhile, a broad 78% majority of Republican-aligned Americans say that society’s values on sexual orientation and gender identity are changing for the worse. And 79% say the government is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses, just a touch below the share who felt that way at the height of the Tea Party movement during Barack Obama’s presidency.

4 comments block

"61% of potential republicuck voters insist it's not about race as they are being dispossessed, disenfranchised, and bludgeoned to death for being White."

Even if it's not really 61%, I bet it's still a majority, and I bet a lot of these people aren't actually American or they are totally clueless about their own history and heritage. Or both. Either way, you cannot get it through their goddamn heads that you don't get to choose who sees you as an enemy.