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Utah designed a new flag - check out some of the submitted designs. Final flag image in post.

submitted by bobdole9 to GraphicDesign 1.2 yearsMar 23, 2023 23:33:51 ago (+9/-0)     (flag.utah.gov)


The final product:

I'm glad states are letting people submit artwork instead of hoping a bureaucrat will have a whole lot of pent up creativity. Usually something cool will only show up on license plates, but good on Utah for making a pretty cool flag.

14 comments block

They coulda put Davey Crockett on it.

Some states have nicknames or natural or manmade features that can be depicted on a flag. Utah has the great salt lake, but most people probably wouldn't recognize it.

With a snowy mountain and a canyon I could peg that flag as the mountain west, but several states are there.