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Sure looks like France is having a civil war

submitted by dulcima to videos 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 09:16:25 ago (+60/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


42 comments block

We are, and have been at war for many years. Enemy has turned up the heat gradually so most frogs are too comfortable to jump out of the water.

Looks like the water has started to boil over in France.

Burning police vehicles is like the Mona Lisa to my eyes.., pure art.

Fear is the only thing keeping us down.

Go for the soft targets, family of the pig.

When the pig has no one to return home to he will surrender.

Any so called ‘law enforcement’ reading this had better take a good look around before and after you step outside today, a real man is watching you and your family.

Reeducation with maximum prejudice is the best you can hope for.