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Age of consent at 25 with exceptions being made to the law within age differential. Age 25 for most other things as well.

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1.2 yearsApr 8, 2023 12:39:25 ago (+1/-5)     (whatever)

Look at the trauma that comes from sexual activity that occurs in 18-24 year olds.

The 2000s was marked by countless young girls in colleges who deeply regretted sexual encounters they were thought to have been capable of consenting to.

This led to a flood of accusations that left men branded as sex criminals for life.

Look at the sexual decisions girls in this age range are making today, only to deeply regret it and feel traumatized.

If pedophilia is primarily a problem because of mental immaturity, then by the light of modern neuroscience we can conclude that those under 25 have (on average) prefrontal cortexes that are not fully developed and thus these individuals are not at their peak capablity of providing meaningful consent.

- most porn becomes cp and is banned as a result.
- females feel a time pressure to find a mate and reproduce, only five years from 25 to the infamous three-oh wall. Maybe they'd set realistic standards then. Fertility rates will increase.
- as stated before, there's ample evidence that a girl below 25 years most likely has diminished capability to make meaningful decisions regarding sex.
- putting sex off for longer will kill a lot of the toxic cultures and poor decisions made by modern people.
- age differential will at least ensure that we aren't always jailing two under-25s who have sex.
- pushing childhood forward is exactly what we need, it would be very therapeutic for manchildren who get to get their lives together.
- it's the exact opposite of what the pedophiles want, and that's always good.
- the establishment of today hates this idea, which is good for the ideas credibility.
- sex is bad unless it's for reproduction, I'd ideally ban all sexual acts that involve ejactulation which does not result in children, but wasted seed. (Blowjobs, analsex, homosex, etc.). But I'm not so unrealistic as to think this is practical. Actually the ideal is no one has sex and we reproduce through technological means.
- I hate that everyone is sexually experienced but me, i want to make it so that no swx happens except what is abolaolutelt necessary, I also hate everything sexual and this pedophile tranny shit is the final straw, or it would've been if not for the fact that an entire generation of children has been raised exposed to all kinds of adult oriented content thanks to the internet.
- nonwhites have issues delaying gratification, there'd be a lot more of them arrested for breaking these laws than there would be among whites.
- we could raise all other age restrictions to the same level, that would be better for us, for example it would severely cripple the amount of taxes being paid to the government.

Think about it.

Once again, the exceptions made for cetain age differences mean that we won't be arresting all under 25 yesr olds who have sex with each other, nor does this mean we'd be allowing anyone under the age of 25 to legally have sex.

If two individuals under 25 are the same ages and they have sex, they won't be in danger of getting arrested for it.

32 comments block

More law won't fix the symptoms of an ailing society.
You have to attack that which is eroding the social pillars.
Besides, developing brains would only be hurt by playing on an extended "easy mode"; the brain needs to be exercised to develop properly, just like muscles do.