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There's a Q plan behind this guys

submitted by HeyJames to HopiumDenied 1.1 yearsApr 18, 2023 00:49:10 ago (+1/-0)     (archive.md)


1 comments block

3Whuurs 0 points 1.1 years ago

The company itself doesn't participate in the same leftist nonsense as the other big conglomerates,

What can you possibly say to a coke head willing to use this in direct response to a company starting a massive tranny campaign the day after one massacres a bunch of white kids.

Also trump jr:

man if you want pedos in dresses to grind their dicks against children in public… as long as you pay your taxes, fine by me, as long as the kid’s over 12. 11 is bad, but 12? well fuck the shit out of that kid…