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The Frank Olson Assassination - The CIA Murder that Exposed MK-ULTRA

submitted by mxcviel to CIAReadingRoom 1 yearMay 11, 2023 18:51:45 ago (+7/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


Nice YT channel "The Why Files", and good informative documentary about MK-Ultra beginnings from when CIA was still part of US military on, from project Bluebird, Artichoke to finally MK-Ultra project.
Frank Olson, Sidney Gottlieb and Robert Lashbrook were performing their "research" on so called expendables, innocent people not just in US, but also in post war Germany and other not named European villages.

Interestingly there is also a name Dr. J. Schwab among a close circle of this CIA crooks, I wonder if related with WEF Klaus Schwab.

So nice family friendly documentary, but the problem is, that they say the Disney was part of MK-Ultra too, and that some of the knowledge was used in Disney cartoons.

Even worse, there is a Mickey Mouse cartoon which could be used for MK-Ultra experiments (left, right is genuine pre-war cartoon).

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