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Announcing v/Fatherhood

submitted by Fascinus to NewSubIntro 1 yearMay 22, 2023 20:05:52 ago (+22/-0)     (www.voat.xyz)


@Her0n mentioned that we needed a Fatherhood sub and had reservations on how involved he'd be able to be in maintaining it.

I thought that was a great idea and, having a shitload of kids, might be a way for me to give back to this community that has given me so much.

Around the same time, @MaryXmas created and announced v/Dads, which seems to be going exceptionally well so far.

Since we now have both subs, I tried to differentiate them a bit by description, though there is certain to be some overlap there.

I'm open to suggestions as to how/whether to change the description to suit the needs of the community, or whether we even need both (I suppose time will tell). Please feel free to let me know if you have any.

Thanks for your time and consideration in any event :)

16 comments block

That's one sub with no niggers.