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Write a poem about the relationship between freedom of the individual and a technocratic system of social control (Uncle Ted RIP)

submitted by shitface9000 to ChatGPT 11 monthsJun 10, 2023 22:40:10 ago (+1/-0)     (ChatGPT)

Individual freedom, a virtue so pure,
A right we all cherish, of that I am sure.
But in a technocratic system, control takes hold,
The balance between freedom and power, so bold.

Technology, a marvel of our times,
An enabler of potential, profound and divine.
But in the hands of those seeking to command,
Individual freedoms become unplanned.

Systems in place to manage it all,
Efficient and orderly on a grand scale, standing tall.
Yet fear creeps in, AI becomes a master,
Freedom eroded by the desire to go faster.

Is it possible to keep freedom alive,
Within a framework where control takes the drive?
Technology must bow to humanity,
Its promise versatile, but humanity’s right the priority.

The human spirit ignited by choice,
Freedom embedded in humanity’s voice.
A dance between technology and humanity intertwined,
Individual freedom access to everyone should find.

1 comments block

This one ran on GPT-4

In a world where wires entwine,
Where order reigns, and gears align,
A battle thrills, resistance vies,
Freedom's whisper stirs and sighs.

Arcs electric sing a song,
Dictating right and smothering wrong,
But softly pressed against the cold,
Flutters hope that can't be told.

Schematics draft design's embrace,
Synaptic circuits trace their space,
In human will there marks a scene,
Silent mutiny, yet unseen.

Presume perfections, systems wise,
But flaws emerge, a swift reprise,
Within this vast, mechanic dream,
Begs the soul's untethered scream.

Structures stark, algorithms breathe,
Calculating our paths beneath,
Yet insublimated, we refuse,
To let our vast desires be used.

In stark abandon, freedom seeks
Its voice within this stark technique.
And in its phantom grasp,
Lies the coda of the encumbered mass.