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Hey yo I was just walking around and seen my mother selling snatch

submitted by LittleBoyFromCompton to Poal 11 monthsJun 17, 2023 17:43:23 ago (+1/-7)     (Poal)

I mean I am the big guy right? When chronicling my journeys I’ve seen some stuff nigga. I saw my mom fucking a man on the street for a fucking ice cream sandwich. I saw my shitty job fire me. I saw my end. It was the beginning of my friend who rear ended me. Sorry I doxxed theyself. Please cum and get this daddy. I exit on the east side, but you can park in my garage anytime. I’m also poor and in a rent contlo with my mom. Heya. I work at a bodega and rub off folks. Now dox me beautiful furries, trans and bi guys. I’m tough big time.

19 comments block

I ain't straight outta Compton.

I'm straight outta the trailer.