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Thoughts on child discipline

submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 1 yearMay 23, 2023 15:59:25 ago (+17/-0)     (Fatherhood)

I have a 2 year old boy and I am generally responsible for discipline for misbehavior.
For something like touching the stove, I certainly warn, don't touch the stove but I would let my boy touch the stove to learn the lesson.
Don't smack the dog or don't kick the chickens is a lesson of empathy, and clean up your toys might be better identified as a lesson in morals.
How do you set guardrails for discipline? Is discipline the same as punishment?

I work to be authoritative but not authoritarian.

I have a weak father that was largely absent in discipline when I was growing up.

47 comments block

Metanoid 0 points 11 months ago

Now getting the others to go along with my discipline style or not step in cus "I'm being too harsh" is the real problem. Nothing infuriates me more than a women undermining me in front of the kids about discipline. Complete betrayal. Kids must never know that adults can be played against one another. But women in my experience are weak willed and too soft hearted to correctly tow the line, so it's inevitable the kids will walk on them, and oh boy have they. Oh how I've tried to correct it, but women today are a mess and don't/won't listen, and it's a crime to hit them, so I am left impotent to enforce my will.

Man, we married the same woman. They think they know shit, but they know shit.