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No learning about jews in Europe! Too hateful!

submitted by gaperglory to Censorship 11 monthsJul 3, 2023 01:56:13 ago (+21/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


So today as I was adding to my j-pill library, I decided to add europa and the greatest story never told, and a few others. To my surprise, bitchute had all of these videos and more blocked.

It never occurred to me at the time that I was on a Netherlands VPN!


That's so fucked. Hold your weapons close, they're the only thing keeping us from being kiked into France.
Once they have our guns, we're toast. I can not stress that enough.

7 comments block

"I hate these people"

anon you have no idea if that statement is what you made conflating to "hating" these poeple

in Germany prior to ww2 they tried to ethnically cleanse germans by targetting their children for rape and murder in a blood libel, then the Germans found out and started rounding them all up and deporting them to prison facitilies to stand trial for crimes against humnanity

however before that could happen the "holohoax" narrative was created and pushed and the allies went to war with Germany

How many Whites slaughtered to cover up child raping kike filth and their crimes

hate them? no anon...we don't hate...we simply understand, kike filth can not be allowed to continue existing...no need to hate a scorpion for being a scorpion, just don your metal soled boots and crush them beneath your feet