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Lauren Boebert divorced her huband after 20 years of marriage. Marjorie Taylor Greene, married for 27 years got a divorce in this last year. Sarah Palin got a divorce after 30 years of marriage.

submitted by NukeAmerica to MGTOW 1 yearMay 17, 2023 16:33:37 ago (+29/-4)     (MGTOW)

If the female stars of the Republican Party are destroying their families and husbands, what chance do you have with your "trad" wife? Why enslave yourself to the U.S. government? I thought this website was of white men of reason?

46 comments block

It's kind of funny. Marjorie Taylor Greene becomes a fully blown swamp creature, and all of as a sudden, nearly all of the complaints she would take to twitter about being harassed and gang stalked disappear. Now she only talks about the surveillance, if she talks about any harassment at all.