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How the f..k do I turn off the PC with Windows 11?

submitted by paul_neri to Computers 11 monthsJul 6, 2023 21:15:43 ago (+3/-2)     (Computers)

Bought a new PC that runs Windows 11 and I can't find the "turn off" button so I'm turning off the computer via its little switch on the tower which is unusual in itself as all my other PCs only had start-up buttons on the tower. Thank you and may god save your queen.

35 comments block

I would open it up clean it with isopropyl alcohol to clean out all the soda from both the computer and keyboard then test the keyboard to see if it works. If not I would replace the keyboard with a new one. I would think Alcohol would fix it up though. I have used it on my keyboards its safe to use on electronics as its non conductive and cleans well