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Honey Creek - Pop Punk That's catchier than Fall Out Boy with a singer who looks like a basement dweller & a tranny keyboard player who also sings.

submitted by anon to MusicVideos 10 monthsJul 30, 2023 22:18:59 ago (+1/-4)     (www.youtube.com)


I will say that their music is really catchy but I can't stop laughing over how the singer & keyboard player look!
The whole band looks like a reddit meetup!

4 comments block

anon 0 points 10 months ago

FOB is kinda falling off (pun intended). They're all a bunch of manlets who tried to kick out their jew guitar player but had to let him back in because he threatened to sue the whole band & break it up but didn't want to because he & the rest of the guys didn't want to disappoint their fans plus a ton of other legal reasons.