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Looking for work out of NY is fucking depressing

submitted by TheNoticing to whatever 9 monthsAug 21, 2023 09:19:17 ago (+9/-2)     (whatever)

I rarely get even a rejection email. I want to get away for more reasons than one - one of my certificates expires next month, just found out last week that one of the owners of the company I work for used to be a fed and was recently arrested. That's probably gonna ruin the reputation of an already shitty company. Oh and it's like one of those black companies in Japan, where they treat you like shit and make you work overtime, but I'm guessing our laws here are more strictly enforced, so we do get paid for overtime, just in cash that we deposit in the (((bank))).

I just wanna move down south. 😓

28 comments block

Just got back from a trip to upstate New York. They drive way better than anybody in the south; keep that tendency.