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HOMEMADE MrBeast Burger Recipe - How to make a Mr Beast Burger at home EASY

submitted by carnold03 to Cooking 9 monthsAug 21, 2023 17:18:13 ago (+1/-1)     (www.youtube.com)



- 2 - 3.5oz balls of ground beef (or as many as you need)
- Diced onions
- Sliced dill pickles
- Postal Barbecue Original & Mad Cow Rub
- American Style Cheese
- 1 Brioche Buns (or as many as you need)
- Mayo
- Ketchup
- Brown Mustard

To prepare your MrBeast Burgers, begin by dicing your onions into small pieces. Next slice your pickles if needed and form your ground beef into 3.5-4oz balls. Once everything has been prepared and you are ready to cook, turn on your griddle and let it preheat for a few minutes. We are looking for a griddle temperature around 400 to help get a nice crust on the burgers.

With your Griddle heated, place your balls of beef on the griddle and let them warm slightly before smashing them down on the griddle until they are as thin you prefer. Next, add the burger seasoning of your choice and let them cook for a few minutes until the bottom has formed a nice brown crust. During this time, also add your buns to the griddle to allow them to toast. After a couple of minutes your burgers should have a nice crust formed. At this point, flip the burgers and apply your American style cheese so that the cheese begins to melt.

After a few minutes, your cheese will be melted so remove them from the hot zone to the warm zone while you start to build your burgers.. On this burger start out with your toasted bun followed but a little bit of mayo. Next add on your diced onions, as well as your dill pickles. Next, place both burger patty's on top of the bottom bun. On the top bun add a little bit of ketchup and lastly some brown mustard. Crown it with your top bun and you are ready to eat!

That's it..

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