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A poem by p neri. "Death".

submitted by paul_neri to PoetryForBrokenHearts 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 01:01:50 ago (+3/-4)     (PoetryForBrokenHearts)

I saw Death sitting on a park bench the other day;
He was reading a newspaper;
As I walked by he lowered the newspaper;
and our eyes met;
"keep walking" he said;
But I know one day;
he'll say:
"Come sit beside me".

8 comments block

Not a bad effort for an Australian - being a people not known for their sensitivity or subtlety - just ask their womenfolk! Your poem has a certain rough-hewn earthy quality about it reminiscent of a newly felled gum tree bleeding from chainsaw cuts with the misspelling "parika" (paprika) enhancing the rough and tumble nature of the rough-hewn phrases. Overall, this is an uncut gem of poetic insight which will, over time, be shaved down to its true glittering core of perception.