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Here is what can happen if you talk to the police.

submitted by Hand_Of_Node to policestate 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 01:36:44 ago (+16/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


You can simply be standing somewhere. The police approach to began an interrogation, and take a dislike to you. Then they arrest you because they can.

The channel has tons of complete assholes going to jail. However, this woman was simply standing on a corner waiting for a ride to arrive. Listen to the tone and demeanor of the people calling themselves police.

12 comments block

Only give the information required by local ordinance, which is typically just your full name, maybe address. Refuse to answer any other questions by verbally invoking your right to stay silent (it's dumb but you literally have to tell them you're not talking). If they weren't going to arrest you, they still won't. If they were, they probably won't because you didn't give them enough words to twist or "misremember"; and if they do they were going to anyway so at least you helped your case by shutting the fuck up.