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RMGoetbbels says, "I celebrate 9/11 every year because we have 3000 less NYers.

The under 3000 dead line is one of the mainstay falsehoods of the entire 911 conspiracy .. thousands of Jews were absent from work at the WTC on the day, while warnings to stay away were distributed from NY synagogues the Friday before, via telephone messages and from the Odigo Hebrew language messaging service.

CNN: The 911 Death Toll is Estimated at More Than 6,000.
2:48 PM Sept. 11, 2001, Estimates of 50,000 Dead in New York.

"The city was only able to identify remains for about 1,600 of the victims at the World Trade Center, the medical examiner's office also collected "about 10,000 unidentified bone and tissue fragments that cannot be matched to the list of the dead." CBSNews.

NIST Engineer Sunder says, "on 911 there were between 8,500 and 9,000 occupants in each building," Peter Jennings @ ABC News said "the normal total of workers at the WTC Towers was around eighty thousand." Sunder's total of between seventeen and eighteen thousand souls in the Towers, makes some sixty two thousand or so absent using Peter Jennings' figures.


Evidence of Mossad Treachery at the WTC, by Ed Toner - "Nearly 500 foreign nationals from over 80 different nations were killed in the World Trade Center, as a center of world trade and finance this is not surprising it is known many Israelis work in the field of international trade and finance.

The laws of probability dictate there should have been a considerable number of Israelis dead, Alon Pinkas Israel’s Consul General in New York confirmed one Israeli was killed in each of the planes that crashed into the towers, and one Israeli who had been the WTC on business was also killed.


Lt Richard Smiouskas FDNY pdf in an interview November 27, 2001, "after the strike on the North Tower an engineer got me onto the roof of WTC 2 the South Tower, I saw people in the windows they weren't jumping they were being forced out."

The NYPD refused to attempt helicopter rescues for those trapped in the burning towers, while the official death toll of some under three thousand has been tailored to fit the four hundred Jewish names on the 911 Memorial. Who were the ones who stayed and threw others from windows according to Smiouskas testimony, who were sold out when NYPD choppers never showed up. The Most Shameful Act on a Day of Shame.

Video Link, Where Did the Towers Go - 3 of 3 .. the FDNY says "about 1500" jumpers were identified, scroll to 2 min 15 seconds in the video.