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Lack of Follow-up

submitted by Trope to Anecdotal 10 monthsJul 30, 2023 00:26:33 ago (+21/-1)     (Anecdotal)

Wanted to share this as I believe it can bring value to you and your family. It has become quickly evident that most people are lacking when it comes to followup. This applies in the workplace and in business. And likely everywhere else.

Sure, I can easily place the blame on others, but when I assume ownership of all things that happen to me, knowing full well people are busy with their own work and projects and lack in the ability to respond and follow up, I can make the right amount of effort to request followup as needed.

Most sales are lost because salesmen give up after three tries without a response. You could very well reach out to every lead and previous client. Their failure to reply is not an objection.

My best friend and I began our business after calling the broker every day for a month without an answer. My friend expressed his concern that we would end up pissing this guy off by leaving a voice mail every day. I explained there is no shame in wanting to make a deal. So we proceeded to call this guy every single day. We did eventually get ahold of him - Today he is now a partner of ours. We would have lost this opportunity if we simply would had stopped trying.

While managing an understaffed cafe, the irony was managers didn't have time to call back any of the applicants. An applicant called me asking for follow-up. This person set herself apart from all the other applicants so I wrote down her name made sure someone called her in to start. Someone with the courage to express an interest in working set themself apart from the pile of applicants from lazy kids with no work ethic.

In a previous era, Reddit always downvoted the “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mantra of hitting the pavement and handing your resume to an employer. Despite the complaints of these no-getting teenage doomers, this technique works incredibly well for entry level positions. To them, it became a boomer trope to walk into a place with your resume but it literally works. A man needs a sense of salesmanship.

To end his, I will reprise the story of my ex vegan friend who is absolutely an interesting case study worthy of post-mortem discussion for years to come. He had sent me text out of the blue. A youtube video and a long one at that. I asked him why he had sent it to me. To explain: I wanted him to sell me on watching it. I wanted him to share his excitement and passion with me on why I should watch some random video. Surely, he had a good reason and believed I would find value in it. His response to me: “Just watch.” My response: “Hard sell.” To which he disdainfully replied: “Not everything is a sale”. I had to tell this kid that I would absolutely love to be sold on an idea. Especially from a friend. That was the straw the broke the camel’s back and ended the friendship. You know what would have worked better for this guy? If he followed up and made an effort to make me watch his stupid video instead of taking personal offense that I was busy that day and requested convincing. He should have followed up. Instead he broke down. His stupid youtube channel is going to continue to be a failure not because he isn't completely sold on his ideas but because he refuses to sell them

Anyway, have a great weekend, niggerfaggots. We call each other this not because we believe we are so, but because are free call each other so.

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Hindsight’s 20/20