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Gypsy Crusader is considering retiring

submitted by NeedleStack to Streaming 8 monthsSep 27, 2023 18:00:27 ago (+19/-3)     (goyimtv.com)


He discusses it in the last several minutes of his latest stream.

15 comments block

If there is to be any chance to right the ship it has to come from the younger generations. Teenagers aren't all that receptive or interested in higher level thinking because it's "booOOOOORING."

For any real chance at success there must be a pipeline towards rational thought. It's like building a pyramid. You need a wide base of reach. You have to get your ideas out there and make it entertaining to the target audience. Guys like Handsome Truth and gypsycrusader are perfect for that. They are funny and counterculture which is exactly what every teenager is looking to emulate. To discount or disparage the value of guys like that is foolish and shortsighted. They aren't high level thinkers. Who cares? That is not the purpose that they serve. Their purpose is to engage young minds and make them laugh and open their eyes.
The jewscuses being "muh optics". At this level nobody gives a fuck if they look or act like clowns. Or they shouldn't. In fact that's the easiest way to get attention and reach. It acts as a on ramp and gets the ball rolling. That's something that has been lacking for a long time.
Think of it like college. These guys are level 100 intro classes. Then you have to have guys that progressively get more advanced as the audience matures.
This is how the current state of affairs have come about because the jews understand this very well. People like gypsycrusader are essentially our version of Disney.