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System Doxed FKH Drama Llama Post

submitted by FacelessOne to MeanwhileOnScored 7 monthsOct 10, 2023 18:53:10 ago (+7/-2)     (communities.win)


Posting per banned users request, obliged by SBBH Duty and Honor requirements

The admin at talk.loli dropped his pedo sympathizing mask to reveal he's gay (he's a Florida jew). He's abandoning the talk.lol domain for UpGoat, then wants to abandon the voting system. Can't make this up lol
posted 1 day ago by JosephGoebbels5 +31 / -7
He made his username rainbow and anyone calling him gay he implemented it on their accounts too (they had to manually disable it). He made a report feature for threads... Imagine it. Being able to hit a report button.

As if his coding genius wasn't enough, he did us one better. Wait for it... Wait for iiiit.... Sorting by comments!! :O

And last but not least, he wants to do away with the voting system. This, after renaming the domain to UpGoat, where upvotes are called UpGoats (he stole the Voat label after they closed to attract a userbase, then refused to implement it's free speech policy).

You'll notice I call it talk.loli because he harbored u/Blumen4alles and his pedo posting to "troll" us. Well, summarizing the long saga - the admin (aka TheVenerable from Voat.co) would respond to his complaints immediately, but ignore the complaints of the mass of users who didn't appreciate sexualizing kids. (((Blume))) was posting full frontal nudes of girls aged 12-16 and it was protected as "free speech" - even though a moderator deleted the image. The admin blocked downvotes against (((Blume))) and later demoted Cynabuns, the moderator who removed his images.

Here's the long version of events

I dubbed him AOU's Little Sister, or "Lil' Syssie" for short, because he adopted the Poal method of censorship despite hating Poal, and describing himself as the "anti Poal".

The kicker is, even AOU didn't support pedos, and would ban them from Poal.

I always laughed at his noob coding skills, but this takes the cake. It's proof jews are not the "higher IQ" as they make out to be. (It was later discovered that (((Blume))) was jewish when he revealed his gab login was his real first and last name). The admin himself speaks a broken English and was asked if he "was a Eurofag" because we don't word things in the US like he does.

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–SystemGay 4 points 8 hours ago +4 / -0
I found these on wayback.The comments were archived on 2022-02-15. Use this timestamp as a reference.


[ - ] system 6 points 10 months ago (+6/-0)
Bruh... You're literally posting from Israel. Trying to subvert the site on your own or are you working for a group? Lmfao. The audacity!


[ - ] system 1 point 9 months ago (+2/-1)
These accounts are posting text. Do words really hurt you that much? What I don't understand is you crying "Waaaahh he allows shills waaa" but you are literally posting from Israel. Are you a shill?


[ - ] system 9 points 3 hours ago (+9/-0)

Here's my take if anyone cares. After starting the site initially, FNH and I briefly got into it after he called me a shill. I publicly called out him posting from Israel, a mistake on my part to expose a user's location, but I was new and honestly concerned whether or not he was a IDF shill or something. That went unnoticed by the community and FNH ignored it. Eventually I got over the fact he is posting from Israel, but I was always weary about it.

After his location was revealed I felt bad for him. The whole thing kinda made me feel down. I understand the communities reaction, but maybe I've had enough time to digest the info. My conclusion is FNH is a based voater. Yeah he's jewish, but he's a voater first in my eyes. If you believe he's a shill working for some agency or org, do you really think he would leave a trail of his internet history?

He posts good content and to lose that would be a shame. I don't believe he deserves all the hate he received but I am not surprised.

And yes let me repeat. DON'T USE THE SAME USERNAME ON MULTIPLE SITES! In fact it's a good idea to change it periodically. Do it now. It's way too easy to connect the dots.

Seems to have been scrubbed from SV archives.

Those comments were old. So it is likely not SV's fault in this case. SVA had about 20% of talkloli's comments missing at the time when we were still on SVF. I have no idea if this is still the case. @system stole Voat.co's userbase and refused to provide APIs for the site. He never intended to allow a 3rd party to archive his site. He has not done anything about it to this day.

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–JosephGoebbels5 [S] 4 points 5 hours ago +5 / -1
u/TartarianTruther you got the sands to send this to Lil' Syssie?

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Save the drama llama for your alpaca mama!🤣