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Idea - Ban SBBH again for relentless downvoting of new HUMOR threads. Its very brazen and obvious that they wnt to make the site BORING and wither away chasing off any humor contributors. I tested this theory twice.

submitted by oursenilepresident to IdeasForTalk 7 monthsOct 11, 2023 23:07:43 ago (+0/-11)     (IdeasForTalk)

Thread of 100 VERY FRESH edgy Indian memes, savaged by SBBH rapidly, again :

= = = =

Thread of a meme STILL ONLY? POSTED to voat.xyz as of today, 2 months later, -12 rapidly :


I planned on giving 100s of exclusive new edgy comedy memes to save voat.xyz, and in 2 days gave these to your site :

- https://files.catbox.moe/bml3uw.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/z9o2zz.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/rxaxjg.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/bcm2f8.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/5nlti6.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/vu73aj.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/cm4ugi.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/lcgte0.jpg

I still, months later never uploaded those to ANY other web site , but might, one week, for archiving.

I wanted to help salvage this site, but paid shills from SBBH infect this site, provably.

They are toxic, and brigade while banning their targets on SBBH. : https://archive.ph/2Ws0T

read the thread ( https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=64de3379436e7) and see SBBH brigading, and organizing on the SBBH forum ( these literal Jews also organize off site at times )

@system YOU NEED TO PERMA-BLOCK ALL DOWNVOTES by alts of SBBH , your site is almost extinct.

TL/DR: About seven funny meme reposters and other "builders" can rapidly rebuild any Free Speech site.... and US DHS knows this, as do paid Jew shills


6 comments block

LMAO keep whining @try, You gave me a good chuckle this morning. You can always delete your accounts and leave permanently.