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origins of Friday the 13th

submitted by Laputois to WhatYouMissed 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 08:51:31 ago (+10/-0)     (WhatYouMissed)

In the 13th century the Knights Templar were the defacto bankers of Europe. Philip IV of France borrowed heavily from them and at daybreak on Friday, 13 October 1307 he had them rounded up, tortured into confessing heresy and killed, after seven years of torture and prison their leaders who refused to confess heresy were burned in front of Notre Dame cathederal. Philip died soon after as did his co-conspirator pope Clement. His line failed soon after and the monarchy of France was passed onto the Valois line. Oh, and yeah, the jews became Europe's new bankers. Incidently jews consider 13 their lucky number and celebrate Friday the 13th as a lucky day.

2 comments block

Rob3122 0 points 7 months ago

France and England have caused so many problems