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So, a P2P decentralized network and the Fediverse network are not the same, right? If I understood correctly. Then why is Mastodon calling itself a decentralized social media?

submitted by BarryWW to BigBadTech 7 monthsOct 18, 2023 04:34:41 ago (+1/-0)     (BigBadTech)

I mean, lately, loads of peeps are diving into the Fediverse pool 'cause Big Tech censorship shithole, right?
Within the Fediverse network, you've got these cool spots (instances, if we're being all formal) tailor-made for different content vibes. But, a heads-up: get too wild, and you might get a time-out (yeah, bans).

Now, let's flip the coin. Decentralized P2P networks? Man, they're like the punk rock of the internet. All about that freedom, where everyone's jamming on the same level. And the devs? They can't just mute your epic solo (aka, delete content or ban accounts).

WireMin's caught my eye as a legit decentralized app:http://wiremin.org/

Ban-free zone
No identity crisis (not required personal info)
No sneaky server storing your deets

But (and there's always a 'but'), this does mean any Tom, Dick, or Harry can jump in. That might mean more spam or, y'know, some ahem spicy content.
As of now, though? It's pretty chill, a few risqué bits aside. Probably not swarming with users... yet.

Here's my two cents: with the cyber boogeyman and Big Brother's growing love for censorship, I'm not betting all my chips on the Fediverse. Decentralized networks, though? They're the dark horses, bound to lead the race someday.

What do you guys think?

10 comments block

BarryWW 0 points 7 months ago
