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Perpetual Dawn - Orb

submitted by calx to ElectronicMusic 7 monthsOct 20, 2023 22:27:37 ago (+4/-0)     (ElectronicMusic)

Love these guys. :) Saw them in concert in Philly back in the early 90s. Really funny and talented duo as far as electronic music goes. They always had a tendency to merge dub/reggae with electronica and I never knew why until they started writing stuff with Lee Scratch Perry (RIP). They were huge fans of his from the start.


Have a good weekend Goats.

4 comments block

psykx 0 points 7 months ago

I saw them DJ in New York about 6 years ago and was kinda disappointed. I was really looking forward to it but it was a bit of a let down. My friend put a short clip recording of them on youtube and they sent him an angry email about copyright infringement and demanded he delete the video. lol