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Looking for masturbation machine

submitted by correctness to Hiddenlol 7 monthsOct 20, 2023 20:59:17 ago (+41/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


18 comments block

The sheer cartoonish ridiculousness and impracticality of these supposed methods of execution

Because truth is just another lie to them. Their "verbal IQ" is simply that they cannot imagine things as they are. So they just use words, any words, like a magic incantation, until they get what they want. It's literally magical thinking.

They cannot picture in their mind how a machine will work. Even something as simple as a box-cart. And so they string words together until you get holo-costers and expect everyone to believe them. The actual workings of a machine is pure fucking magic to them.

An important part of the IQ test is to be able to simulate things in you mind. They like to use shape manipulation tests and such for this. If you can imagine an apple, and what it might look like on the other side of the apple, you have above-average intellect. At least in our mud-diluted nations. In a White ethno-state just about everyone should be able to simulate the other side of objects.