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note to satan-cucks: Hungary is one of the only based White countries and it is majority-Christian.

submitted by oppressed to Discussion 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 10:03:29 ago (+13/-3)     (Discussion)

since faith in Jesus is the only way to Heaven, Satan would want you to believe faith in Jesus is the cause of most of the world's problems, as you do.

but in truth, you shouldn't judge what religion is true based on what people you dislike (jews).

furthermore, your claim that Christianity is the cause of the world's problems has been disproven by the fact that even non-Christian White countries like Norway and Sweden are cucked, just like America. satan-cucks always overlook this fact.

Hungary is one of the only based White countries and it is majority-Christian.

the problem is a weakness in the White genotype towards anti-racism. ie, Whites have not been smart enough to see through anti-racism's lies of equality and tolerance. thus the majority of Whites have supported White Genocide. thats why Whites are cucked. nearly all public figures of the last 60 years have been anti-Whites.

6 comments block

Love240 0 points 7 months ago

This world is the matrix. Your insistence on writing it off as 'Hebrew' just shows how feeble your mind is.

"That thing I don't like is 'jewish'."

You can't accept reality because you are too in love with yourself and your sin.

Your preoccupation with and cares for the physical world are what drag you into the pit in the end.