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I thought I was ready to quit

submitted by Smedleys_Butler to whatever 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 13:07:47 ago (+32/-1)     (whatever)

Made it 11 days up until Halloween. No real cravings or desire to drink, even with some withdrawal day 4/5 (and I'm not an as heavy or regular drinker as it used to be)

Had some courthouse bullshit, and it being Halloween, I wanted to unwind a bit.

Haven't drank the past two days since, but today have cravings, after handling other unrelated bullshit. So my half extrovert/introvert self is enjoying some drank in mother nature.

I'd say I'm a victim of circumstance, but drinking certainly hasn't helped my domino situation in life in recent months...

Things were pretty good. Now I'm at a loss of direction. I'm just gonna throw in a cliche like, this too shall pass now.

On the bright side, that's still 2 weeks without cocaine! Hooray

74 comments block

Good job on the cocaine, hopefully yesterday was the last day for me