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Naturally the pagans are upset

submitted by DeusExMachina to PaganInquisition 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 09:09:42 ago (+11/-5)     (www.politicsweb.co.za)


Oh noes. Quick, someone brew some rosemary and thistle tea open a circle of protection!

8 comments block

Her0n 1 points 7 months ago

This is what pagans do?

I never saw this at my local gatherings!

This sounds like a bunch of degenerate retards tried to use paganism as a scapegoat for their misdeeds.

Then again I make up my own methods of worship to the natural world, I claim no fealty to any god.

I pay fealty to the natural world and it usually just involves bonfires, friends, amazing food, and giving thanks to our animals and plants that sustain us.

I guess I'm doing it all wrong, but then again I don't call myself a pagan.

Better than worshipping the kiked version of a psychotic God.