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Mrs. Her0ns envious jealousy

submitted by Her0n to Fatherhood 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 18:50:55 ago (+6/-0)     (Fatherhood)

My oldest son just past the two year mark last month. He's begun to excitedly shout "Daddy!" As he comes running to greet me with a hug every morning.

The best response his mother receives is an emphatic "Mama!" acompanied by a hug when he wants food.

I've tried telling her it's great that way because the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but she's not buying it.

Have any of you gentlemen faced this and how did you handle it? I'd like to help ease her mind because this boy clearly loves us both dearly.

She still feels rejected even though he hugs her with great passion daily as well.

Editorial thanks:

This was all helpful, everyone's input has been what I needed to make sure she's shown that she's doing an amazing job, even if she thinks otherwise. Thank you all

21 comments block

God bless you. I’m always on property as well but my boy goes crazy any call I take or bathroom break.

May she heal well and you two continue to flourish.