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Climate activism is a weak charade for a CBDC global test bed

submitted by UncleDoug to Scamdemic 6 monthsNov 10, 2023 04:47:40 ago (+17/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Australia will offer residency to people affected by climate change in the low-lying Pacific country of Tuvalu, as part of a sweeping new treaty that also locks the two countries into close security ties.


Apparently to bs sites Tuvalu sea levels rose at an avg of 5mm p/y, but only there and nowhere else in the world between 1950-2009.

Satellite data indicates that sea levels has risen near Tuvalu by about 5 mm per year since 1993 (a total of 9 cm over this period). This is larger than the global average of 2.8–3.6 mm per year.

The highest elevation is 4.6 metres (15 ft) above sea level on Niulakita, with an average elevation of 1.83m above sea level. }

Only 174cm more to go before less than half of tuvalu is under water according to bs statistics not reflected by CSIRO. By their own stats, it would take another 80yrs for the bottom 40cm to be under water

Do you want to know the real reason for this weak charade?

Global digital currency test bed

Climate activism is for the sheeple
The open border guise is for the midwits
* This is a testbed for a CBDC global rollout.

6 comments block

x0x7 0 points 6 months ago

If you are going to have a digital currency, which we basically already have, it might as well be one that the Fed can’t control.